Asset Data Collector
ADC is an interface to the central CodeBook project database and libraries. The layout of ADC can be defined by the CodeBook project manager. The layout can be customised to meet the needs of specific task to completed when capturing data in the field.
ADC can be used to allow users in the post construction and pre handover phase to complete conformance and compliance tasks. It might be used in the construction team office or on the construction site. Users can upload site photos. Captured data is automatically synchronised with the data already stored in the CodeBook Project Database to be BIM ready for facilities management.
ADC can be used to allow any stake holders of the project to view or optionally modify or comment upon the project data. These may be individuals that might not have direct access to the full CodeBook project environment, but using the ADC either from their own offices or during face to face meetings they can contribute information.
Data might include:
- room compliance information
- snagging or punch list records
- equipment model and serial numbers
- installation date and warranty commencement
- mechanical and electrical equipment
The database used by the ADC can be hosted on local networks, perhaps by the CodeBook Project Leader, or the database can be hosted on the cloud.